Introducing the Friendly Fundraising Practice Initiative

At Her Term, we understand the unique challenges women candidates face when it comes to fundraising. From cultural biases to safety concerns, the path to raising crucial campaign funds can be daunting. That's why we've launched the Friendly Fundraising Practice Initiative, a two-part program designed to empower women candidates and help them succeed.

Calltime Friendlies: Practice Makes Perfect

Our Calltime Friendlies program connects candidates with dedicated volunteers who are ready to lend a friendly ear and provide constructive feedback. Candidates can practice their fundraising pitches in a supportive environment, gaining the confidence and skills they need to effectively ask for support. (And crucial dollars as well.)

Here's how it works:

1. Volunteers sign up and set their preferences, including the dollar value they're willing to commit, and their preferred call times.

2. Candidates are matched with appropriate volunteers based on these preferences.

3. During or after the practice calls, volunteers are invited to provide real-time feedback to help refine the candidate's approach.

Friendly Fundraising Parties: Building Community and Support

Our Friendly Fundraising Parties provide a welcoming space for women candidates to develop their messaging, connect with supporters, and raise funds in a safe environment. These events are designed to address the concerns many women candidates have about their safety and well-being at typical fundraising gatherings.

At a Friendly Fundraising Party, you can expect:

1. A supportive atmosphere where candidates can practice their elevator pitches and receive constructive feedback.

2. Opportunities for attendees to offer financial support and help candidates build crucial early-stage campaign funds.

3. A chance to network with like-minded individuals who are passionate about empowering women in politics.

Our Goal: Empowering Women Candidates

The Friendly Fundraising Practice Initiative aims to provide high-impact assistance to women candidates by teaching effective fundraising skills and helping them earn startup funds for their campaigns. By focusing on this key area, we hope to alleviate the stress candidates face about their campaign budgets and make campaigning more accessible for women from all backgrounds.

Get Involved

Whether you're a candidate looking to sharpen your fundraising skills or a supporter ready to make a difference, we invite you to join the Friendly Fundraising Practice Initiative. Together, we can break the cycle of fundraising disparities and help more women succeed in their political journeys.

By collaborating with dedicated volunteers and aligned organizations, we believe this initiative can make a significant impact in empowering women candidates. Join us in creating a more equitable political landscape, one friendly conversation at a time.